Week 1: Seek and ye shall find

The Savior’s invitation, “Come Follow Me”, applies to us all. As we begin this new year and new CFM curriculum we are invited to open our hearts and minds to the teachings of the spirit in all we do and seek.

This week is dedicated to learning how to seek diligently; through our own personal study. No matter the question or focus the answers can be found when we seek, ponder and pray.

Today we practice seeking with the focus of Forgiveness.

Ponderize Verse

14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6:14-15

What should I do when I have questions?

  • Begin with Prayer
  • Seek understanding through divinely appointed sources
  • Act in faith
  • Keep an eternal Perspective

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  • There is a phrase we use in the South “A new broom sweeps well!” Meaning it’s fun at first but the excitement and newness wears off.
    It is my prayer that I will continue with the same excitement in June that I have now in January. I am living and devouring every day every word right now.
    As I read about forgiveness, at first I thought “why this?” But I have been ministered and taught my the spirit that I have things I need to remove from my heart! I need to clean out some impurities to allow good to come in. You can’t put new wine in an old container!!
    This is hard work but so with it!!
    Thank you for your part in my progression.

    • Thank you Linda! Keeping the ‘excitement’ alive all year long is a journey for sure. I’m happy to be on it with you.
      I love what you’ve shared about having things that need to be let go…the Sprit is the best teacher out there and knows how to help us open ourselves up more completely to the Savior and his teachings. Rooting out negativity and things that are blocking our light is so important to be able to receive further light and knowledge.
      Good for you for listening and responding to his teaching. <3