Book of Mormon: Day 226: Stand Fast in the Faith

Today’s Reading:  Alma 44 & 45

 17 And now, when Alma had said these words he blessed the church, yea, all those who should stand fast in the faith from that time henceforth.

This is an interesting phrase– “Stand Fast in the Faith.”  What does it mean to “stand fast”?  In the dictionary, the term “standfast” is defined as a firm, fixed, or settled position.  To me this means that to stand fast in the faith means that you are firm in that faith, you have your eyes fixed on the Savior, and your position is settled in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you read my post yesterday, you may remember that I talked about how Captain Moroni made sure that his armies were prepared physically with armor and weapons, and spiritually with inspiration and reminders about the cause that they were fighting for.  These brave warriors had faith in their earthly captain and in the captain of their souls.

“Now ye see that this is the true faith of God; yea, ye see that God will support, and keep, and preserve us, so long as we are faithful unto him, and unto our faith, and our religion; and never will the Lord suffer that we shall be destroyed except we should fall into transgression and deny our faith.” (Alma 44:4)

They knew it.  They lived it.  They loved it. (Remember this fantastic talk by Sister Ann M. Dibb?)

How can we know it, live it, and love it?  And by “it”, I mean the gospel of Jesus Christ.  How can we know that it is true, live it with passion and commitment, and love it with all of our hearts?

We do what we have been instructed to do by the Savior himself.

“Look unto me in every thought.  Doubt not, fear not.” D&C 6:36

For me, this has meant that I quite literally have chosen to look unto the Savior in every thought.  I plan my day with my Savior in mind.  What would He have me do today?  Where does He need me to be?

Am I perfect at this?

Umm, that’s a giant N-O.  But, I am trying my best and as I “do His will“, I have come “to know His doctrine.” (John 7:17)  Or at least the portions of His doctrine that He needs me to understand at this point in my life.  As I strive to keep the Savior first and foremost in my mind, I find it easier to be firm in my faith in Him.

I also feel that standing fast in the faith means that we keep the sacred covenants that we have made with God.  We covenant with God when we are baptized, when we partake of the sacrament each week, and when we go to the temple to receive our endowments.  With each covenant that is made, we have the opportunity to sharpen our gaze so that it truly is fixed on the Savior.  Each time we make a conscious effort to honor those covenants, another piece of God’s armor is applied and we receive a special protection against the enticings of the adversary.

I will take every piece of armor I can get my hands on.

Like Alma, Helaman, Captain Moroni, and so many others, I declare boldly,

“I will keep the commandments with all my heart.” (Alma 45:7)  I will “stand fast in the faith” and I will proudly say, “I’m a Mormon.  I know it.  I live it.  I love it.”

i know it
Photo cred: Pixabay

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