Book of Mormon Day : I am mindful of you always

Todays Reading: Moroni 8:1-15

I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end.

While on my mission, a dear friend used to leave this scripture at the end of his letters to me. It was a way for us to keep in touch, to keep faithful, to keep mindful of one another. It is such an endearing sentiment, “I am mindful of you always in my prayers.” Or another way to say it might be, I am always attentive to you. This idea is very comforting.

This same attentiveness can be seen in this epistle from Mormon to his son Moroni. We get a small glimpse into how Mormon might have been as a father. First, we know he kept in contact with his son. And second, he is intent and responsive to his needs.

For immediately after I had learned these things of you I inquired of the Lord concerning the matter. And the word of the Lord came to me by the power of the Holy Ghost

Mormon prays over the concerns of his son. As a seasoned prophet of God, he might have said, oh son, I know the answer to this already. However, that is not what he said. He is mindful of his son, his specific circumstances and he inquires of the Lord accordingly. And there is an urgency in the matter because he says he did so immediately. Perhaps these were his grandchildren they were going to perform infant baptisms on, or children of dear friends. Whatever the circumstance, a father took time to be aware and informed of the concerns of his son.

Concerning the importance of father/son relationships, M Russell Ballard has stated:

There is no other relationship quite like that which can and should exist between a boy and his dad. It can be one of the most nurturing, joyful relationships in life, one that can have a profound impact on who boys become and also on who dads become. Now, I understand that some of you young men do not have fathers with whom you can have these kinds of conversations. And some of you men do not have sons or have lost your sons to accident or illness. But much of what I say tonight will apply to uncles and grandfathers and priesthood leaders and other mentors who sometimes fill the gaps for these significant father-son relationships.

Young men, you are your father’s pride and joy. In you they see a promising future and their hope for a better, improved version of themselves. Your accomplishments are a joy to them. Your worries and problems are their worries and problems.

Fathers, you are the primary model of manhood for your sons. You are their most meaningful mentor, and believe it or not, you are their hero in countless ways. Your words and your example are a great influence on them.

I have two sons and I watch those who are kind to them. There have been countless, brothers, friends, uncles, who have taken my boys under their wings, loved them, taught them and been mindful of them. There was the neighbor who carried my bloodied son home after his first unsuccessful bike ride around the block, the cousin who spoke truth at his baptism, the father who gives them blessings of comfort and strength, the grandpas who work on pine wood derby cars and the primary teacher who testifies truth to them every Sunday. These relationships are important, they mean something to my boys in helping them develop and grow.

Just as with Mormon and Moroni’s relationship, my hope is that in all our relationships we may be more attentive and mindful of one another, that we might immediately seek to help one another, and that those bonds of father/son/friend/uncle/grandpa can be protected and celebrated.

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