Book of Mormon: Day 199: All Things as a Testimony

Today’s Reading:  Alma 30: 28-41

41 But, behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are true; and ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are true; and will ye deny them? Believest thou that these things are true?

I admire Alma.

It’s not easy to stand in the presence of someone who is contentious, angry, and bitter towards the things that you hold most dear in your life and because we are human and have human instincts, I believe it is natural to want to fight back.  However, contention is never the answer and although at times it may feel like the hardest thing you have ever done, turning the other cheek may be what you need to do.  You will not be able to speak with the Spirit as long as you are speaking with contention. Like oil and water, they do not mix.  But you can speak like Alma.  You can stand firm in your convictions about God and the Savior and you can bear testimony of their goodness, glory, and power.

Like Alma, I know that all things stand as a witness that there is a God.  Everywhere I turn, I see God’s hand because I choose to look for it.  That choice is also given to you.

You can be like Alma and choose to see that all things stand as a testimony and witness that there is a God or you can be like Korihor and choose to not see God’s hand.  That is a dangerous road to travel; one that is shrouded in darkness, anger, and gloom.  You may have small moments of happiness along the way, but that happiness cannot compare to the light and joy you would receive if you chose to be like Alma, praising God and standing as a witness for Him.

Your testimony is a precious gift that should be protected at all costs.  You should do everything in your power to nourish it, strengthen it, and care for it in a proper manner.  The adversary is clever.  He knows that distracting you from the things that will strengthen your testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ, is the only way that he can have power over you.  I think if we only knew just how much power a strong, vibrant, and healthy testimony of the Savior could have, we would never want to do anything to weaken it.

We can be strong to resist the influence of Satan and that strength comes from choosing to see God’s hand in our lives and from choosing to strengthen and nourish our testimonies by humbling ourselves and allowing the Spirit to guide our daily lives.

Satan wants us to fail to reach that mountaintop that will allow us to develop a testimony so powerful that he will be unable to influence us.  His work is to thwart our efforts, but the Lord has counseled us, “Fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.” (D&C 6:34)   -Elder Jack H. Goaslind


powerful testimony
    “Spiritual Mountaintops” Elder Jack H Goaslind

This week in the Howard W. Hunter manual:  The Temple- The Great Symbol of our Membership

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