Visiting Teaching: February 2017: Christ’s Atonement Is Evidence of God’s Love

Growing up I didn’t understand much about the Atonement. It wasn’t until after I had graduated from high school and was taking institute classes and really learning more about the gospel that I realized that the Atonement isn’t just for sinners. The Atonement is for ALL of us!!

Christ has “graven [us] upon the palms of [His] hands” (Isaiah 49:16). Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President, says, “That supreme act of love ought to send each of us to our knees in humble prayer to thank our Heavenly Father for loving us enough that He sent His Only Begotten and perfect Son to suffer for our sins, our heartaches, and all that seems unfair in our own individual lives.” (emphasis added)

I have been struggling a lot lately with something and I was reading in the Book of Mormon a week or so ag0 read 1 Nephi 21:16;

Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.

I stopped. It was exactly what I needed that morning. It was a gentle reminder that Christ knows what I’m struggling with and He’s struggling right along with me. He knows me!! He knows my heartaches. He knows what seems unfair and He is there to comfort me if only I let Him.

I was so excited when I read this months visiting message and saw that this same scripture was apart of the message. Take the time to focus this month on the fact that Christ does know who you are and you can utilize the atonement at any time for anything.

I love you My Beauties!!

February Visiting Teaching Message

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