Book of Mormon: Day 246: Today’s secret combinations

Today’s Reading: Helaman 6

23 And thus they might murder, and plunder, and steal, and commit whoredoms and all manner of wickedness, contrary to the laws of their country and also the laws of their God.

I went to Costco this weekend to stock up on the essentials; bread, lunch meat, fruits and veggies, etc. As I went into the refrigerated section to grab the milk I checked the expiration dates, paused, look around at the other containers and intentionally grabbed containers labeled 9/12/16, as opposed to any labeled 9/11/16. It was a very small, seemingly insignificant thing that went completely unnoticed by everyone, but me. You see, I just couldn’t bring myself to knowingly bring something into my home that would expire on such a momentous day as 9/11.

That day will always stand out in history, no matter which nation you belong to. When I look at it through my LDS lenses, I can clearly see external secret combinations and wickedness attempting to force their ways onto a group of people. And because it was forced, and external it was met with such strong rebuffing that it succeeded in uniting those people it had effected, as opposed to the opposite & assumedly intended purpose.

But what happens when the secret combinations and wickedness bubble up from the inside? When it comes into our homes and our communities and takes root in our hearts and our minds? When there isn’t a specific, tangible outside force, but instead an internal force that has the face of your child or your loved one or even yourself?

The Gadianton robbers sprung up among them and did cause the people much sorrow. If we are not careful, today’s secret combinations can obtain power and influence just as quickly and just as completely as they did in Book of Mormon times. Do you remember the pattern? The secret combinations began among the “more wicked part” of society, but eventually “seduced the more part of the righteous” until the whole society was polluted.i

What might it look like as a women in the Lord’s church today to help prevent and stand against the evil internal influences of Satan? It might look like helping to plan a young women’s activity, inviting the youth over to your home after school for wholesome and uplifting activities. It might look like inviting a stranger to have dinner with your family and opening your home to share your light and love for the savior with others. It might be sharing your light and love with a co-worker, choosing to stay positive and firm in your faith in the face of adversity… the list goes on and on and is deeply personal and never unnoticed by the Savior.

I know it is sometimes hard to stand for truth and right. Yet we need to be positive examples if we are to help others find a better way. Thankfully, we can draw strength from those who have gone before us. While the road they walked may have been different from the road we walk today, the courage required to be faithful is similar, and their experiences are instructive. –M. Russel Ballard

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