Book of Mormon: Day 209: Contend No More

Today’s Reading:  Alma 34:32-41

38 That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.

But I don’t want to do that!”

Have you ever heard this from one of your children?  I do not have enough fingers to count the times that I have heard it.  How many times do you think our Father in Heaven has heard these words spoken?  I can only speak for myself, but I know He has run out of fingers in counting how many times I have said it to Him.  I usually don’t say it directly to Him…not using those words anyway.  I have said it through my thoughts, my actions, and my words (or lack of words) to others.  In other words, I have contended with the Holy Ghost on more than one occasion as he has tried to gently teach and guide me with the things that my Father in Heaven needs me to do.

But why?  Why do I contend with the Holy Ghost when He has brought me so much comfort and peace?  Again, I use a comparison with my children.  They contend against me when I ask them to do things that push them out of their comfort zone, make them work harder than they think is necessary, or if they think that the task is simply too boring.  Sound familiar?

Have you ever had an instance when the Holy Ghost has prompted you to step out of your comfort zone?

Maybe you have felt discouragement as you go down the list of things that you feel you have to do in order to be a good and faithful disciple of Christ?

What about sitting across from a member of the Bishopric as he calls you to a calling that you feel is far from exciting?

We have all contended against the Holy Ghost in one form or another.

But here is the good news.

The good news is, we can have a fresh start, we can recommit ourselves to the gospel of Jesus Christ and we can do this daily, hourly, even minute by minute if necessary.  We can trust in God’s plan for each of us and receive the guidance from the Holy Ghost with a humble heart.  We can worship that great God who created us by keeping the promises we have made with Him.  We can start wherever we are on the ladder of life.  Whether your testimony is fragile and weak or strong and resilient.  Whether you are a newly converted member or a lifer who is still trying to figure things out and have peace in your heart.  But whatever you do…DON’T GIVE UP!  Don’t give in to the discouragement.  Don’t let Satan convince you that living the gospel is too hard.  Don’t let him win!

It’s four simple steps:

  1. Contend no more with the Holy Ghost, but receive his instruction.
  2. Humble yourself before God.
  3. Start where you are.
  4. Be grateful and live in thanksgiving daily; recognize the tender mercies and blessings in your life.

My favorite step is to start where you are.  Don’t make it more complicated then it needs to be.  The gospel is so simple that even a little child can grasp it.  The trick is to keep that childlike faith and hold on to it as you would a balloon.  Don’t let it float away, never to be seen again.  Grasp it with all your might.  Start today.  This very minute.  God is waiting and he doesn’t care how many fingers it takes for him to count the times that we say, “No thank you.”  He only cares that we keep pressing forward, utilizing the great Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and telling Satan to “Get thee hence” every chance that we get.

He will take us by the hand
Image cred: Pixabay

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  • Oh dear. I can so relate with this!! I can be so slow to respond when given a difficult direction. Thankfully, you are so right when you say that we can change!! I know that is true from first hand experience. Thank goodness He is patient with me. More patient than I am with myself. Beautiful.