Book of Mormon: Day 160: Listen to obey

Today’s Reading: Alma 3:5-4:5

26 And in one year were thousands and tens of thousands of souls sent to the eternal world, that they might reap their rewards according to their works, whether they were good or whether they were bad, to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery, according to the spirit which they listed to obey, whether it be a good spirit or a bad one.

Isn’t it silly how hard we as children of God fight against his will? In the words of Al Fox Caraway:

“why wouldn’t we want it to go the way our perfect God wants it to go?”

We have been given the opportunity to learn and grow and choose for ourselves in this life, but we have most certainly not been left alone to make these decisions. God doesn’t make our choices for us. He gives us the help of the prophets, apostles, the holy ghost, visiting teachers and countless other servants of the Lord to help lead and guide us to do and be good in this life. He can plant that good spirit in our hearts and lives, if we let him.

On the alternate side we can choose to allow the great deceiver to rule and reign in our hearts. The choice is always ours to make and the consequences are also ours to reap. There was a period in my life when I allowed my heart to be hardened and my spirit to do evil. These choices started in small and simple ways and were almost imperceptible at the start. But they wreaked havoc upon my life for a time and I was literally in the depths of hell while here on earth. I was reaping what I sewed.

With the help of the atonement I have personally been able to change my heart and mind and have allowed the Lord to work in me to change my nature for His will. And you can too – if you have even the smallest desire He can work wonders in you.

Be of good cheer, of we know the outcome, we know the truth; we know the savior.
-Mary G. Cook


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