Book of Mormon: Day 130: Doubtless a Great Mystery Is Contained Within

Today’s Reading: Mosiah 8: 19- 9: 13

19 And now, when Ammon had made an end of speaking these words the king rejoiced exceedingly, and gave thanks to God, saying: Doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates, and these interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding all such mysteries to the children of men.

I once heard Sheri Dew interview Elder and Sister Holland(i), when I experience a life changing moment. Elder Holland mentioned that he would often find his wife curled up with the scriptures. This image of her relishing the scriptures made quite an impression on me and stayed in my mind and heart so much that I made some changes. I was already faithfully reading my scriptures daily, and although I did enjoy learning, it felt more like a check list item that needed to be done.

After hearing this about Sister Holland, however, I decided that there must be more delight in the scriptures than I had previously savored. This changed my entire approach and desire regarding scripture study. I came to the scriptures wanting to feast and to have my questions answered. I came wanting to experience a mighty change of heart. I came wanting to build up myself and others with the good word of God. I studied when I previously might have done other things. This mental shift made a huge difference for me. I began to learn things, even a few of the mysteries of God, and found it amazing that you can feast on His word and yet never be fully satisfied. I want more. I need more. I seek more.

Can you imagine how excited we would feel if we found additional scriptures to study today? This was how King Limhi felt when the 24 Jaredite plates were discovered and he said, “Doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates…” King Limhi had tasted of this sacred learning and looked forward to knowing more.

I have heard it lamented that we do not study and learn deep doctrine in our Sunday meetings, however, I have come to understand that learning the mysteries of the kingdom is a personal matter. It is so much more satisfying when we learn something from a God, than to be spoon fed information in a meeting. What we retain is ever more lasting and valuable to us.

There is a significant difference between reading the scriptures and approaching them, ready for a feast. When we come to the scriptures with questions, excitement and a pure desire to learn, our Heavenly Father is pleased and can more easily write His doctrine, sometimes even the mysteries of His Kingdom, on our hearts.

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