5 Easy Ways For Families to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

Last Sunday was one of the most wonderful days we’ve ever had as a family! Why? Because we decided to keep the Sabbath Day holy. We were so blessed because we decided to put Him first on His Day.

There were 5 simple things we did as a family to keep the Sabbath Day holy and “make it a delight”.

  1. We went to Church – we made sure that our young kids had snacks, colouring books and quiet toys and that we had an open heart and a willing mind to receive the inspiration and edification that comes from attending our Church meetings
  2. We spent time with family – we had family over for dinner and dessert and we spent time playing games and catching up. We sent messages to connect with family members who live further away
  3. We listened to uplifting music – we love music! But we made sure that we listened to music that brought us closer to God, was reverent and respectful, and inspired us to do good things
  4. We spent time in nature – God created this beautiful earth for us to enjoy! We went for a walk as a family and we stopped to appreciate the wildlife, the weather and the beautiful blooming spring flowers
  5. We did kind things for others – we made plenty of dessert so we decided to share some of our cookies with some friends who are about to have a baby. We tried to leave it slyly on their doorstep but they caught us! We had fun serving them and doing something kind for our fellow men

We all noticed that there was an added measure of the Spirit in our home, that we felt rested and ready for the week ahead and we felt of God’s love as we kept His Day holy.

This will be the first of many sacred and special Sundays to come.

Let me know in the comments below what you and your family do to keep the Sabbath Day holy.

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  • This is so fantastic Joanna! We do very similar things on the sabbath and it really does invite such a sweet spirit into the home. <3

  • Oh my! What a darling family you have!! You are such a light.

    I will admit that I use to say, “Sunday is NOT a day of rest!” Of course, busy callings and 6 kiddos (including a 3- 2 & 1 year old) are difficult, however I learned that the Sabbath was a “gift” to me. I now do some things that make it a day I look forward to. Probably the most enjoyable thing I do is try to prepare meals in advance & get snacks ready for church the night before. I also love to visit people who might need a visit.

    Thanks for such a beautiful post!! I loved loved loved it!

    • Yes! Such a fantastic post and darling family.
      And what great ideas Jeni! Thank you for sharing. <3