Book of Mormon: Day 112: Overcoming Contention

Today’s Reading: Word of Mormon 1: 9-18

18. Wherefore, with the help of these, king Benjamin, by laboring with all the might of his body and the faculty of his whole soul, and also the prophets, did once more establish peace in the land.

Contention seeps through doors in marriages, families, friends, and even duties at church. It can canker hearts and distort truths.

Contention worked it’s way into the hearts of King Benjamin’s people as well, however, the impressive point of their story is that they were able to “establish peace in the land,” once again. But how did they do it? Fortunately, King Benjamin’s people left a record which we are blessed to study and implement to establish peace in our own homes and lives as well.

In the Strength Of the Lord They Did Contend Against Their Enemies
This strategy worked for more than just mingling blood and swords with the Lamanites. We further read that they successfully rooted out false Christs, teachers, etc. This was an important beginning because when the roots of lies mingle with truth, confusion abounds. This makes the Holy Ghost’s job, of softening hearts, difficult. Understanding true doctrine is a critical beginning to peace.

They Taught Pure Doctrine
Boyd K. Packer once said, “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior.” i King Benjamin’s people must have believed the same thing because “they did speak the word of God with power and with authority” to a prideful people who changed. Pure doctrine has a way of penetrating hearts that provides more than a bandaid to contention. Truly, it can heal deep wounds.

Reigning in Righteousness
What type of leadership role do you play in situations with contention? We know that King Benjamin “was a holy man, and he did reign over his people in righteousness.” (It is important to note that he did not rule with self-righteousness.) Further, King Benjamin reigned, “with all the might of his body and the faculty of his whole soul.” He was not a leader who simply commanded and watched. He worked, both for his own physical welfare and also the spiritual welfare of himself and his people.

Years ago, contention was an intruder in my own marriage. (This is shared with the permission of my good husband.) It seemed as if every subject became an unnecessary disagreement. This bothered me quite a bit and I diligently prayed as to how we could get break the cycle. I can pin-point the night our power struggle ended. At that time, our nightly routine was that I would read my scriptures and say my prayers while my husband was showering and then I would often fall asleep. I frequently woke to my husband sleeping beside me and the lights still on as a result of him reading his scriptures, which was the case on this particular night. I woke my husband, as usual, and proceeded to chastise him, however, in the middle of my reproach, the spirit spoke to my heart. I stopped and looked intently at my husband. I said that I was so very, very sorry. I let him know that he was more important to me than turning off a light and that I would never again complain about such things.

This experience sparked a change of heart in me and I additionally began to build my husband. I praised his accomplishments and also sought out his good qualities. He became more handsome to my eyes, more helpful to my mind, and I could better see the good things he did in the gospel. I also looked for ways to serve him, to pray for him, and to help him. He returned much of my affection but even if he hadn’t, my attitude had changed so much that I was more content regardless of his response. In my own mind, contention truly turned to love.

Rooting out contention is pivotal to achieving happiness and worth every effort we can muster. If we do our part, then the Savior can mend our broken hearts and heal our warped views. He can take off our distorted glass and let us see that peace is within our grasp.

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  • Thanks for sharing Jeni! I just LOVE stories about marital happiness!! The little things can make a HUGE difference, can’t they?!