Ears to Hear: A Plea to my Sisters

Before we dive into this new, fun and exciting series we’d like to give this a bit of an introduction. For the next two weeks we will focus on preparing our hearts, minds and ears to hear [i] the word of the prophet, apostles and those called to teach us through the spirit. We’ll each be focusing our daily posts on a specific October 2015 conference talk and sharing our personal experiences with these inspired messages. We invite you to study with us and enjoy these stories, as we prepare our hearts, minds and ears to further our personal salvation and move forward the work of the Lord here on this earth.

Today’s talk: A Plea to My Sisters

My dear sisters, you who are our vital associates during this winding-up scene, the day that President Kimball foresaw is today. You are the women he foresaw!
Your virtue, light, love, knowledge, courage, character, faith, and righteous lives will draw good
women of the world, along with their families, to the Church in unprecedented 

For years I had been looking, seeking and not finding it. Where was it? Why wasn’t it here yet? Why hadn’t the Lord provided this for us yet? I found many things like what I was looking for. Many great and marvelous things just like it… but not quite. They all fell short of being the thing I had been seeking. Where was it? In frustration I gave up my search…almost.

When Elder Nelson issued his call for women to teach fearlessly I felt that burning desire once again. Only this time the focus had changed. I was no longer seeking to find the thing I was being called to create the thing. I pondered, I prayed, I pleaded for another way, any way!

Toward the ‘new beginning’ of what you now know as She Teaches Fearlessly, that I can clearly look back on now and call the beginning, I saw that there was no other way. Much like Eve I recognized this and pushed forward in faith. I had to partake of the fruit myself, I had to physically take a bite and dive into this cyber world of fearlessly teaching the gospel amongst the current of the world and the loud tribulations, to truly find what I was seeking.

It started out quite simple. I was just looking for a few beautiful graphics of scriptures to post on my social media on Sunday. I was testing out the waters of my social influence and wanted to share a small piece of my joy, through the scriptures. As my courage grew, I started to seek out a daily place to ponder, pray and read the scriptures with my fellow women in the faith – and again, seek out those beautiful graphics that I could feel joy in sharing. There were so many that were amazing and beautiful and almost what I wanted. But not quite. So when I sat in the car with my sister and my three littles, on an 18 hour journey to see my parents it became a much larger journey to draw closer to both sets of my parents. Those here in the flesh and those in the spirit.

Elder Nelson’s call to teach fearlessly hit me so personally and so strongly that I couldn’t resist the call any longer. I couldn’t resist the urge to share the joy, peace and happiness I’ve found here in this life. I couldn’t resist sharing this gospel with other women!

Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because many of the
good women of the world … will be drawn to the Church in large numbers. This will happen to the
degree that the women of the Church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives and to the
degree that the women of the Church are seen as distinct and different—in happy ways—from the
women of the world [i]

After hearing this message, repeatedly, I simply couldn’t resist such a call.
Women, we are needed! We are wanted, we are loved! By our father in heaven, our church leaders, our spouses, our families and communities. We are important, and have an important calling here on this earth.

We need women who are organized and women who can organize. We need women with executive
ability who can plan and direct and administer; women who can teach, women who can speak out. …

We need women with the gift of discernment who can view the trends in the world and detect those
that, however popular, are shallow or dangerous.

we need women who know how to make important things happen by their faith and who are
courageous defenders of morality and families in sin-sick world. We need women who are devoted
to shepherding God’s children along the covenant path toward exaltation; women who know how to
receive personal revelation, who understand the power and peace of the temple endowment; women
who know how to call upon the powers of heaven to protect and strengthen children and families;
women who teach fearlessly. [i]

I bear my testimony of these words, and of the importance of our role here on this earth. I plead for you to be fearlessly selfish in your own salvation, and fearlessly self-less in sharing this gospel with others and building up the kingdom of God here on this earth.


If you have a desire to share the gospel and want to contribute to She Teaches Fearlessly, we invite you to contact us directly:

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